This mojito recipe was developed by one of my RESTART® participants. She hosted a birthday party for her husband and wanted to enjoy the festivities with a mixed “mocktail” while staying compliant on the RESTART program. She said everyone was asking for mojitos by the end of the night! No one could even tell that she was drinking a non-alcoholic one!
With BBQ season and 4th of July celebrations upon us, this recipe is great healthy substitution for those working on cutting sugar and/or those who are looking to get pregnant!
C A R M E N’ S M O J I T O

Water (one cup)
Mint (few leaves)
Ginger (1 little slice)
Juice of Lime (don’t forget slice on top of your glass )
Green apple (few little chunks)
Organic vanilla extract (few drops)
Ice, ice!!!
Shaken, not stirred 😉
Recipe by Carmen L. of Fort Worth, TX
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